A review by angelicasreads
Mistwood by Leah Cypess


“Not all dangers are obvious.”

Well this was boring, like a lot. I was a bit excited and I though yeah this will be pretty interesting but then I was like, I'm so bored I might just explode. Yes, explode because that would be a lot more interesting than just plain dying and a LOT more interesting than this book, so there you have it.

ANYWAY, here we go. The book starts with this girl in the trees except she's not a girl but she is and she can shape shift and some guy finds her naked in the woods, OK we're good so far. Then He takes her to the palace because he's the prince, though not really because he's not really part of the actual royal family and there are a lot of twists and turns and people switching sides and being two-faced like there is no tomorrow. First they're good and trust worthy, then they stab you in the back and then turns out they are actually good but then they have their own agenda, it's like pick a side and stick to it goshdarnit.

Then there are the characters, I didn't like them. In fact I don't even remember their names and I always remember the main characters names ALWAYS. But no, not them, I didn't relate and I found them just plain boring though I admit that the two main characters (what ever their names are) did have a cute relationship as far as I can remember. But...there was nothing memorable about any of them, nothing that makes me think 'oh yeah I remember that one guy/girl in that book that did that thing' with them it's more like 'yeah I remember reading that book but that's all I got'. I just didn't love them at all.

I will admit that was a good ending. That last twist at the end was like 'the FUN!?!? Where did that come from'. It was good and weird and it made total sense (sort of). I mean I had a feeling that something was up with the Shifter and the original Prince and Princess but I didn't know it was that. I liked the twist, a lot, it made the story interesting and managed to redeem it a bit, just a bit. I also liked that the story ended there and there was no over dramatic cliffhanger. Oh, I hate when boring books have cliffhangers because I feel like I just have to read the rest. So thank you [a:Leah Cypess|2915782|Leah Cypess|http://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1271641014p2/2915782.jpg] for not making me feel obligated to read the rest.