A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Charmed by Jen Calonita


I read the first book in this series quite some time ago already and I can't really say why I didn't get or read the second book sooner. I assume it's partly because the book was amusing, but not very impressive. There are more books following this concept, books that made a more lasting impression. However, I was browsing through my collection looking for a book with a piece of fruit on the cover and I stumbled upon this one. Time to explore the second book!

I would actually say that in many ways the second book is much like the first book in the series. The book wasn't boring, I wasn't struggling my way through it, I was even quite enjoying myself, but it's now a few hours later and I have to admit that I forgot much of what has happened. Not the main plot of course, but those small things that make a book memorable, unique and different. The concept is cool, but I think there are better versions of the concept.

The same goes for the characters. The characters are funny enough and it's not that I hated them, but it feels a little as if they don't really have much, it's hard to explain, personality? I feel like in a lot of ways we don't really know those characters. We know what they look like, why they came to the Fairy Tale Reform School and what qualities they have to deal with everything that's going on, but we don't really know much else. It feels a little incomplete.

And also the plot doesn't feel spectacular or really refreshing. There are no mind-blowing secret parts of the kingdom suddenly revealed and loads of what we see and what the characters do feels a little stereotyped. I assume that the target audience, this book is more of a middle grade, can't be bothered by any of my complaints though. For them this series is probably a very entertaining and exciting adventure while they can envision themselves as the heroes of this story!