A review by logarithms
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho


It was pretty nice. A smooth, easy read.

I enjoyed the ideas and messages the book was pushing, but I found it too reliant on exposition, and was veeery repetitive of the key ideas being presented. Also, I can't say I agree with the main message! If you want something, the universe won't conspire to help you get there. You have to put in the effort to achieve what you want, and things definitely won't always go your way. Which is what was happening to the main character, but oddly enough the message didn't change? The themes felt like they conflicted with what was actually happening. It wasn't the universe conspiring to help achieve his goal, it was his active decisions to continue his journey and put in the effort to reach his goal. (Unless I've severely misinterpreted the message. As I always do. In which case...oops.)

This book reads more like a fable rather than a novel, since it isn't focused on characters or plot really, just the message that is being conveyed.

I was kinda sad about the way female characters were written. Men were free to pursue their personal legends, but all women need is love and hope for their lives to be fulfilling? Idk.

Despite all the quotable lines, I think what struck me most was, "I'm beginning what I could've started 10 years ago, but I'm happy at least that I didn't wait 20 years". It's relevant to where I am right now in life, and hearing it was v reassuring.

I listened to the audiobook of this, and I liked the way it was read, though I had to physically cringe at the voices that the guy reading put on for the desert/wind/sun entities. It was such a corny accent I just couldn't handle it. Sorry xP