A review by josie
Guardian by A.J. Messenger

Did not finish book.


Fuck this book. It was just a terribly written rip-off of twilight with angels, except the angels were a snoozfest. I had to DNF this because it was just that bad, I actively hated reading this and spent the majority of my time reading highlighting stupid sentences (which surprise-surprise was the majority of the book). I knew this wasn't going to be a literary masterpiece, but like I said the writing in this book was worse than in twilight (like 3000 times worse.) Also the characters were so annoyingly introduced and everything was told to us. There was some weird side thing going on between the MC's best friends getting together amidst all her fawning over the angle guy. BUT LETS TALK ABOUT HOW THEY CANT KISS. There no fucking sexual tension in this stupid ass book because its stupidly written and then the MC can't kiss the love interest because of angel rules??? thats when I DNFed because if they weren't even gonna kiss what was the point in continuing, I already hated every character specifically the MC and her love interest and I hated their 'relationship' (if you can call it that) because it was completely unrealistic and came out of nowhere (again, more so than twilight). I really wanted this to be my new trashy romance love, but it just made me sad and angry.