A review by alimich31
Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen by Lois McMaster Bujold


Wow, LMB was right when she said this was unmarketable! Very very different from any other book in the Vorkosiverse; not plot heavy, this one is purely character driven. I can see how others might be turned off by this, because even other books that were very internal, where Miles spends time figuring things out in his head (Mirror Dance, Memory), still had a host of external plot elements. But internal, character-driven books make me happy, so I was pleased as punch to be following Cordelia around and spending time in her head.

CORDELIA. Ahh, my literary girlcrush. I was frequently cackling aloud at the things she said and thought, and it was a joy to have another Cordelia-focused book. Delightful to spend time on Sergyar, too, and see how a planet is colonized and built.

I could see this as the last book in the series, and while this makes me sad, I felt that it was a fitting capstone.

And as for the big spoiler... Cordelia/Jole, formerly Cordelia/Aral/Jole, formerly Cordelia/Aral + Aral/Jole. Well, (a) I was prepared for it because I heard about it months ago, and (b) I read a really fantastic fanfic series that set me up for it. So I don't see it as "ruining" one of my favorite ships, but just adding another dimension to it.

Canonical OT3 with bisexuality. :D