A review by papercranestitches
Revived by Kora Knight


I get it! I'm long-winded too! But this was a good story that would have benefited greatly from a cutthroat edit that made the book significantly shorter (like 100-150 pages shorter), but tightened up the storytelling so that the scenes had a little more "oompf!".

And this is totally a personal thing, but by about the half-way point in this book (and certainly by 75% on my Kindle), I was so over the fact that a lot of the difficulties between the MCs still stemmed from Max's inability to come clean with Sean about Kevin's death. Like, at some point you have to put your big boy pants on and use your words, and I felt like it took Max an unrealistically long time to reach this point.

Don't throw things at me *ducks in anticipation* but I didn't really enjoy breaking away from Max and Sean in their own novel to follow up with extra scenes that belonged in the Up-ending Tad series. Like, they had their shining moments, let's leave it at that. I love them as a couple, but I had to attention or emotion to give them in this series. :(