A review by errantdreams
Screams in the Woods by Michael R. Martin


Christine, who works at some sort of investigational bureau, receives a ‘cold case’ file on two missing people who’ve been gone for some time. She sets out to find out where and how they vanished. She ends up examining old mining accidents in which a great many people were killed. Her boss seems over-eager for her to keep the details to herself, even though her colleague and friend Jim very much wants in on the case. (I never felt that her boss’s place in all this was adequately explained.)

The details of the house in the middle of all this–and the old families involved–held my interest despite the fact that most of the book was dialogue. I also wasn’t entirely sure what to make of the end (I won’t say anything more than that; I don’t want to spoil it for you.) The one place where I could have used a little extra explanation, and it wasn’t there. There’s a lot going on in a long book here, so grab yourself some caffeine of your choice to help you dive in and remember the details.

I like the characters–Christine and Jim’s friendship is an interesting one. I wish I’d seen more of the boss, as I said; he was a weak point. Again, this is almost entirely dialogue-exposition, so if that isn’t your thing, read something else. But if you like mysterious, slow, otherworldly plots, then have at it!

Book provided for free for review
Original review on my site: http://www.errantdreams.com/2016/11/review-screams-in-the-woods-michael-r-martin/