A review by jenbsbooks
Portals by Douglas E. Richards


Just okay for me. Starts off a little "Mission Impossible" with high tech and high stakes. Turns into a "save the scientist(s)" then we get to the "portals" and "other Earths" and aliens? Super sci-fi.

Actually, one of the most interesting parts was a discussion of addiction - talking about social media and cell phones and the like. It was really interesting ... nothing I haven't heard before, but a good addition to a novel like this ([book:Wellness|65650229] also discussed the "addiction" of Facebook and how it's algorithms TRY to increase that addiction).

This reminded me a little of "A Door Into Time" by Shawn Inmon ... and unfortunately, that isn't a good thing, as disliked that book. I think some of the negativity of the association rolled over here. They really aren't even alike, but something about the dialog, tone and presentation. It too had a portal (but it was to an earlier Earth/primitive). It was Kragdon-ah, here it was Corian. Both start with the "k" sound/three syllables ...  and that's enough to make a connection to me ;) 

This was free for me, included in Prime Reading ... I was able to borrow the Kindle copy and the audio included in the program. It is an Audible exclusive.  

There were nine scowls (a word my son dislikes).  None of the other words I watch for.  No proFanity. Some sex, not explicit.