A review by postitsandpens
All the Rage by Courtney Summers


This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but ... I didn't really love this book.

Here me out: it's a very important book that paints an accurate picture of what rape victims can go through and deal with when they speak about what happened to them. Romy's story is something that needs to be talked about and discussed, because too many times women who speak out are silenced, or ignored, or harassed when they speak the truth. This can be especially true if, like in Romy's case, the perpetrator is well known and well liked. Romy is dealing with an incredible amount of self hate, pushed onto her because she's not believed and is called a liar for speaking out.

However, I had a hard time with Romy as a character. I never connected with her, I never felt FOR her, and as a result, I can't necessarily say I'd recommend this book in particular. I'm angry in the abstract, for all of the people out there who survive an assault and are not believed, who are ridiculed, who are made to feel less and like what happened was their fault. I hate the culture of silence that so many have to live under, but this book in and of itself just didn't do a whole lot for me. I feel like I should've connected to Romy, should've felt for HER, and not just for those who are going through this and dealing with the fall out of speaking out. I dunno, it's hard to put my thoughts into words, but something about this book in particular just didn't work for me. Considering how hyped it was upon its release - and rightfully so in many cases, because rape and sexual assault aren't talked about NEARLY enough, especially in the realm of YA - I was expecting to feel more, and I just didn't. Your mileage may vary, but for me personally, this was kind of a disappointment.