A review by laurenjodi
Captive Soul by Anna Windsor


Captive Soul
3.5 Stars

Camille and John's romance is an improvement on the last book. Their chemistry builds slowly and their emotional attachment is intense and meaningful.

John is a fantastic hero with both the physical and spiritual strength to battle the dark essence within him and to fight for Camille's love. Nevertheless, the fact that he never manages to
Spoilermaster the potential gifts that Strada's essence bestows
is disappointing as is the failure to explain whether or not he
Spoiler retains Strada's powers after the demon is vanquished
. Unfortunately, Camille is not as strong a heroine. She comes across and whiny, pathetic and weak, and is constantly running away from problems and confrontations without facing up to the consequence of her actions.

In terms of the ongoing storyline, the Rakshasa plot ratchets up a notch with more details concerning their origins and their current alliances. The mystery surrounding the Sibyl Quad's enigmatic sentience powers is also explained further and seems to be going in an interesting direction.

The writing mainly flows but has a tendency to become bogged down in excessive detail and lengthy descriptions, which slows the pacing down.

Overall, Anna Windsor's world building is original and captivating, and Captive Soul is a satisfying read. I am eager to read the next book to discover how Andy and Jack get past their differences to become a couple and to see how the Rakshasa are ultimately vanquished.