A review by sydreadslots
Knotted by Pam Godwin


If I don’t like a book, I simply put it down so this book falls in a bit of an odd place for me. Pam Godwin is a great writer. The pacing, the plot and the descriptions had me in the story the entire time. And I am a dark romance reader so dark and disturbing content doesn’t feel hard for me to read but this did. 

I can read about character’s killing and torturing but apparently a character “googling” therapy and essentially forcing exposure therapy on the traumatized female main character is too much for me. 

I was engaged in the revenge plot and I really liked the fmc but when this “therapy” plotline was introduced and the love interest ignored her hard no’s I did not enjoy it. I think there is a probably a huge audience for this book but personally for me, this book wasn’t it.
Content Warnings: Graphic rape on page. Both recounted by fmc and through first hand account by mmc forced to witness it. Bad kink practices. Discussion of CNC. Rape porn. 

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