A review by annica_reads_books
A History of Violence by Mallory Fox


ALC Review:

This is narrated in duet style, for all you duet lovers! I’ll begin my review with my comments regarding the narration. I absolutely loved Lucas’s narration. I will definitely listen to an audiobook with him in it again. I occasionally struggled with Hannah’s narration because her enunciation felt a bit more pronounced than what I’m used to. I don’t know how to describe it, but something about it didn’t quite work as well for me as I had hoped. I specifically struggled when she said the words “says” and “Jude.” 

The story itself was interesting. The plot of the story was pretty intriguing and I enjoyed the cast of characters introduced in this book. I didn’t really connect with the character, Viola. I was hoping to get more of her backstory because unemotional FMC’s are sometimes hard for me to connect to. If I had had her backstory, it might have helped. Regardless, I do feel like this is a good listen, and I do recommend it. This story ends on a cliffy, FYI! 

Thank you to Valentine PR and Mallory Fox for the ALC.