A review by angelndpaint
Gallant by V.E. Schwab


This book found me at the right time. That's one of the reasons why I ended up loving it. I was drawn to it at the bookstore. I've never even read anything from V.E. Schwab.

To start, I have seen a lot of mixed reviews about this book and I understand that it isn't for everyone. It's a different experience for different people. However, I can make a guess about who might enjoy it.

If you've ever felt extremely alone (Olivia, being an orphan, might know a thing or two about that) then you might appreciate this book. If you've ever dealt with grief, you might appreciate this book. And lastly, if you ever find yourself thinking about how Death takes all of us and how differently people cope with it, you might appreciate this book as well.

For me, reading this gave me perspective about life, about death, about family, and about hope. The characters have shown, time and time again, about how extremely HUMAN it is to hope. And how sometimes, that is enough for us when dealing with life, one day at a time.