A review by deannasworld
Fallen SEAL Legacy by Sharon Hamilton


I tried to give this a fair shot. I really, really did but in a nutshell there was just too much stupid going on.
For starters, I thought the way Ms Hamilton handled the death of Coop's family was shallow and it felt like they were treated more like an after thought rather than something enormously earth shattering than had happened to Coop.
For the most part, I liked Coop and Libby but I did not get far in enough to really form an opinion about them other than the fact that they seemed rather one dimensional as people. I knew a bit more about Coop from his previous mentions in the first book of the series Accidental SEAL but what really got me was the fact that Ms Hamilton could not make up her mind about how tall Coop was. Between Accidental SEAL, SEAL Endeavor and this book, Coop has managed to yo-yo between 6'4" and 6'7" several times. I think Ms Hamilton finally settled on 6'4" but I can't be certain.
Libby had a rather unfortunate encounter with a professor in university whom she trusted which sent her running home and taking a break from her studies. This also seems to be the reason for making her rather gun shy about men in general and questioning her own judgment. Funnily enough, this did not seem to be enough to stop her from falling for Coop right away. Her mistrust of men seems to be rather convenient at times and rather conveniently missing at other times. I'd rather she had more consistent reactions when it came to men in general and had a more cautious build up to her attraction to Coop.
Finally, Libby's father, who is a renowned psychiatrist. What a class A jerk!! I can think of worse things to call him, but seriously, he's supposed to be a great psychiatrist with a deep understanding of the human condition, and yet, when Coop approached him to pay his respects, he was rude, belligerent and an all round douche canoe. Considering what Coop had just gone through, you'd think he'd be more compassionate.
All of that added up to me not having the patience to deal with one dimensional, unreasonable characters.
Sadly, much as I enjoy the narrator J D Hart, and I was hoping this series would give me a nice stock of audiobooks to listen to, I don't think it would be the case. I don't think I'm going to continue with the series. I find the characters in the stories too intolerable.

Deanna's World

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