A review by the_cover_contessa
Brew by David Estes


I would like to thank David for providing me with a copy of this book from his newest series to read and give an honest review. Receiving this book for free has in no way influenced my opinion or review.

Salem’s Revenge strikes without warning or mercy, ravaging the powerless human race under the forces of united gangs of witches, wizards, and warlocks. During the slaughter, Rhett Carter's foster parents and sister are killed, and his best friend and girlfriend are abducted by a gang of witches calling themselves the Necromancers, who deal in the dark magic of raising the dead. Rhett’s sword-wielding neighbor with a mysterious past saves Rhett from becoming another casualty of the massacre and teaches him the skills he needs to survive in this new world.
Rhett is broken, his normal high school life of book blogging and football playing shoved in a witch-apocalyptic blender. The only thing he has left is his burning desire for revenge. Armed with his new witch hunting skills and a loyal, magic powered dog named Hex, he sets out into the unknown with one mission: hunt and destroy those who took away everyone he ever loved.
But Rhett isn’t just a witch hunter; he has secrets of his own that he has yet to discover, secrets that his enemies will stop at nothing to keep him from.
And discovering the truth about himself is the human race’s only hope.

If you know me I'm a huge Estes fan. I love everything he writes, so it's no surprise that I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Not only is a great to see a YA book from the male POV (my favorite) but he's witch hunter to boot (hello Supernatural!). So of course I jumped right in and I was not disappointed in the least!

Meet Rhett. Rhett's world changed when the witches took over. He went from high-school boy with a girlfriend living a nice life, to hunting witches and not having a family to speak of. He goes from jock to super hunter in no time flat. He's snarky and out for revenge, or at least out to avenge his family.

David gives great background at the beginning of the book, showing us exactly what happened and what lead up to it. I love that we meet a character who becomes very important later in the book. There's a lot of darkness throughout the book. Don't think you'll go into this one and watch cool spells Harry Potter style. Nope, there's destruction and the battle for who will claim ultimate power.

The world building is so great. David has rich descriptions of the surroundings and total destruction that has happened because of the witches. And while you know this world is not real, it's impossible to not picture it in your mind and see that it's an absolute possibility (even if witches aren't real...or are they?). And not only are they fighting with the humans, they are fighting amongst themselves for control. So while they've already pretty much taken over, things are still getting destroyed because they are not done! And there are so many different kinds of witches with so many different powers. They are hell bent on destroying each other!

While there is a hint of romance in this book, the book does not revolve around this theme at all. The undertone is there, but the important part of the story is how Rhett becomes a hero, or at least tries to become one.

As with all of David's books, his characters are great. They are rich and full of many dimensions. You feel an immediate connection with them. Not only is Rhett down to earth and a little angsty, but his companion, Laney, puts the snark in snarky. She's funny and loyal and very protective.

And David's books would not be complete with some kind of companion for the MC. In Fire Country we got Perry. In Brew you get to meet Hex, who is definitely the coolest dog to ever walk the universe (I won't tell you why and let you see for yourself). I do promise that Hex's antics will not disappoint in any way, shape or form!

And interesting addition to this book are the snippets from Rhett's journal. They really get you inside his head and help you to understand who he is and what he's doing. You see how he was before and after the witchy take over. It's great to watch especially as he becomes stronger and stronger.

Fans of post apocalyptic fiction and shows like The Walking Dead and Supernatural will truly love this story of witches and power.