A review by rellimreads
Studmuffin Santa by Tawna Fenske


I read Tawna Fenske’s Front and Center series this Summer so when she recently announced that Studmuffin Santa was on sale for 99cents – Yay! Snapped that right up. Then realized I’d rather listen… so I snagged this one on audio. Go marketing!

This was a fun romantic comedy with a little bit of drama and a dash of mystery/suspense. Plus – Christmas! And a reindeer farm! What more could you ask to get in the holiday mood?

What I loved about this is that it isn’t “reformed jerk” – Yes, Brandon was the football-star Senior to Jade’s picked-on Sophomore. However, Brandon was and still is a nice guy, he just didn’t notice Jade when they went to school together. Jade was tormented by other students and though it’s been more than 10 years she still has an icy exterior. Brandon definitely melts her frost.

While not holiday themed, I can’t wait to hear Sean and Amber’s story, Chef Sugarlips.

I enjoyed the narration by Nelson Hobbs and Teri Schnaubelt. They are both terrific narrators and I’m looking forward to hearing them both throughout the series.