A review by bookbae96
Kit by Brenda Rothert



The first book that I read by author Brenda Rothert was BOUND, from her Fire on Ice series, and it's still one of my favorites of hers. The books in her current series revolve around hockey, as well, and I've really enjoyed the members of the Chicago Blaze and their stories, and I think that KIT might just be near the top of the list.

There's just the right amount of angst in KIT, and the back stories of both Kit and Molly were well developed without being overwhelming. Brenda presents the unfolding relationship between the two of them nicely, and I love that she's written Molly as a career woman who is strong and self-reliant, at least on the surface. But there's more to her than this, and to Kit, and watching them work through their issues to get to know themselves makes their journey to each other that much more fulfilling.

The only thing that I didn't love about this book is the way that it ended. I am a sucker for the 'ever after' part of things, and, while I understand why Brenda ended the story the way that she did, I would have loved to have had an epilogue that gave us just a bit more. KIT was, I think, supposed to be the end of the series, but since there's at least one more book, I'm hoping that we'll see more of Kit and Molly in the future, and can see where their journey has taken them. Overall, I genuinely enjoyed Kit's and Molly's book, and think that lovers of sports romance will, as well. Take your place in the Chicago Blaze fan club and enjoy. ❤️