A review by annyeongnica
Caliban Cove by S.D. Perry


In this second book, the writer really took pains in creating the background of the story, especially since this is supposed to give us a peek as to what happened between Resident Evil 1 and 2.

It's good that the writer made such an effort to make the story more interesting. But the thing is--the bad thing is, I think S.D. Perry overdid it. There was just too much of the backstory that it became the focus of the story rather than the action at present (which is definitely not Resident Evil's style, and I think that's not actually the original aim of the author).

I guess another problem why I didn't like it that much is because it centered on Rebecca. Yes, I love Rebecca's character. She's awesome, actually. But she's not the type of character that the RE games would follow, because RE is all about action. And Rebecca is not about action...

SpoilerBut I liked how many characters died in this book, because at least, the author is being realistic.

So in the end, I found Caliban Cove not as exciting as the first one. (At least [b:The Umbrella Conspiracy|221267|The Umbrella Conspiracy (Resident Evil, #1)|S.D. Perry|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1172823156s/221267.jpg|214262] brought me back to good ol' days...)

I kept looking forward to finishing this book so I can move on to the next book, because I just loooooooove the title of the third one~