A review by malissac
The Darkest Assassin by Gena Showalter


As usual, I fell in love with a Lords of the Underworld story. It's odd because it has only been a year since Gena put out a LotU novel but as I was reading this one I just felt like it had been forever and I was so happy to be back with the 'gang. It felt refreshing.

Fox is a force of nature, I loved her when she was protecting Galen, I love her, even more, when she is trying to protect herself. Her snark, her blood-lust, her chaotic mind, she is just plain fun to 'watch. The only thing that I could ask for is for her to not be so 'childish' in her speech if that makes sense. It's not uncommon in this series, and I guess that is probably what put me off a little, I've heard it too much. Snark doesn't mean idiotic, which I am not saying Fox is, she just sounds that way at times and it kind of grates. It's a small thing really, it would ever put me off from reading or enjoying an LoTu story, I always will want more, it is just kind of cringy.

Bjorn is amazing, as we expected from seeing him in the previous 'Angel' stories, his bromance with Thane and Xerxes is one of my all-time favorites, I could have totally used an entire book of just that relationship. I love 1,001 Dark Night novellas because they are the perfect gate-way book for new readers, but I almost wish Bjorn had been given a full-length novel so I could have had more of the boys! His relationship with Fox was well done, nothing felt forced even though it was a quick romance, their distrust (ha) of one another and eventual relationship is exactly what I needed out of this story!

There is a great lead up to William's story, I am so curious as to how Gena is going to handle this 'hot-button' book, and if the glimpse we got of Sunny says anything, we are in for quite an adventure. I am also excited to see more of the Sent Ones stories, especially, of course, Xerxes, but I hope their stories don't end with him.

All in all, this is a great addition to the LotU storyline, if you are an avid long-time reader this will be just the little taste you need to hold you over until Darkest King, if you are new to this world, welcome to the ride, it's an exciting one and while this is a good place to start get ready because you are definitely want to go back 14 books and start at the beginning, you won't regret it!