A review by stephibabes
Чоки by John Wyndham


Okay, so the normative gender binary aspect early in this novel sat uncomfortably with me. That said, I think it shows the age of the novel and reflects the societal conditions in which it was written.

By the end I was so charmed and touched by the depiction of a young boy's relationship with, well, Chocky. This novel is shorter than other Wyndham novels and I think it benefitted from the slightly quickened pace.

Again, I am really in impressed by the way that Wyndham not only can depict a 'first contact' scenario, but paints an incredibly convincing picture of simply how badly a society might react to it. This left me feeling much deeper sadness than with The Midwich Cuckoos. I guess that was due to empathy for a young boy being torn from this relationship with another.

I listened to this on an Audible free trial. I won't be keeping Audible as a subsidiary of Amazon who I do not use. Your local public library may well have an amazing array of audiobooks. Support your local library!