A review by rtwilliams16
Policing the Black Man: Arrest, Prosecution, and Imprisonment by Angela J. Davis


This is an important book for scholars, legal practitioners and the general public who are concerned about issues of racial injustice in America. Policing the Black Man is a collection of essays that covers how Black men are policed from the time they are arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned. The essays on arrests were good but I didn't feel like I learned anything new. However, the essays on the issues of prosecution and imprisonment were eye opening to me. One of the biggest takeaways is that we need more prosecutors who are willing to address racial disparities in the system. Ultimately, you will learn that the criminal justice system is fundamentally unfair to Black men when they are victims and when they are perpetuators of crime. The only way to tackle these issues is to address them head on. We need more implicit bias training for cops, more prosecutors who will indict cops who kill unarmed Black people, and less mandatory minimum sentences so that judges can use more discretion on low level offenses.