A review by namitakhanna
Believe Me by JP Delaney


Claire is an actor looking for an acting job while simultaneously working for a law firm trying to entrap married men cheating on their wives. Everything was going good till one of her client gets killed.The cops seek Claire’s help to get a confession from the husband but Claire is not convinced of his guilt and finds herself falling for the enigmatic Professor.

Believe Me by J.P. Delaney is true to its name as it is very difficult to trust any character in this book. The story is filled with twists and turns with lots of lies and deception . A psychological mind game the book is half written in an interview type of way . Though the ending was a little disappointing and too unbelievable I still enjoyed reading this book especially for the different writing style .

I would like to thank Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine & NetGalley for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest and fair review.

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