A review by cancourtneyread
Addicted by Charlotte Stein


Charlotte Stein is the only author where I buy all her books, sight unseen, description unread. I don't care what it's about. I don't even have to know, but I ABSOULUTELY 100% know it's going to be amazing and that I will love it. It's like she is inside my head and knows all my deep dark secrets and makes them into stories. I always fall head over heels in love with her heroes, and I certainly wouldn't mind swapping places with her heroines ;)

Please please please don't ever stop writing!


"Ohh, you have no idea what I've got planned. Bad things. Outrageous things. You'll be talking to your therapist about them in ten years' time."
"You're fucking with me."
"Yeah, I totally am. Take it easy, Kitty-cat- I'm not some sex demon."

“You know how big I am, right? Cause otherwise I’m gonna warn you now.
I don’t think he could have said anything better if I’d given him a script."

"The last guy I dated thought clitoris was an island off the coast of Greece."