A review by nina_reads_books
The Treehouse Library by Anna James


I think most of you know I love a great middle grade fiction every now and then. I’ve read all the Pages & Co books by Anna James and now I grab each one as it is released. The Treehouse Library came out recently and is the second last book in the series. Book 6 is due out next year I think.

As with all the previous books this was a lovely read that would be perfect for primary school aged kids. There are friendships, people who may not be as they seem, a bad guy, a quest to find ingredients to create a potion to save someone and lots of bookish talk. If I could make a very small complaint it would be that while still having a good storyline this felt very much like a was a transitional book. It read like it was there to set up the final book a teensy bit more than I would have liked. Still this is middle grade fiction and who doesn’t love a good cliff-hanger?

I’d definitely recommend this book and the whole series if you have young readers in your life or if you are like me and love to get nostalgic by dipping it to middle grade fiction.