A review by novelesque_life
Dead in Her Tracks by Kendra Elliot


In late 2014 I read a novella serial written by Melinda Leigh and Kendra Elliot called Rogue River. It was a four part serial where each writer wrote a novella. There was one overall story arc with two characters' point of view (two sisters). They are romantic suspense thrillers and I found myself really enjoying the books. While each author gave their character a distinct voice at times I would forget which author was writing as they were quite seamless.

In 2015, I was again offered to review two more novellas written by the same authors in the same town. This new two part serial is called Rogue Winter. I am not sure if there are more in this series or town but I am down to read them if they are!

(Rogue Winter: #2)
Written by Kendra Elliot
2015, 99 Pages
Genre: romantic suspense, suspense, mystery, thriller, crime, novella

(I received an ARC from the NETGALLEY in exchange for an honest review.)


It is Stevie and Zane's first Christmas together and of course there would be a murder case that would have their attention. And, just as they are getting a handle on that case there is another murder. Stevie and Zane must race against time to find the killer but first have to investigate if both murders are connected and by the same killer?

I love Stevie and Zane...and love the way they work together. Again I figured out the killer in this book but the personal stories and the suspense of how they come to the conclusion is worth the read. I was sad there were only two parts to this series!

k (My Novelesque Life)