A review by ssjonoyoung
At the Edge of the Universe by Shaun David Hutchinson


There are simply no words to describe this book; but I'll give it a go. Heartbreaking, heartwarming, amusing, mysterious, astounding, tear-jerking. All that and more. I couldn't have predicted the ending and the way Hutchinson formed the relationships and how they worked with the universe collapsing was just so perfectly balanced that I cried. It's just majestic. There is nothing else to it. Hutchinson spins comedy and love and drama and angst together to make a contemporary novel with a twist. And actually I needed this book. It fell perfectly with what was happening in my life. And I've never been so grateful to be reminded that the universe is infinite and there is always more out there. You just have to look past the bits that are holding you back.

Also Ozzie is best. And Calvin is the true heartbreaker. Lua is the strongest person ever. Tommy is the mysterious guy you wanna know more about. And everyone else in this book is incredible. That's all I have to say on the matter.