A review by tiredcat
Modern Girl's Guide to Vacation Flings by Gina Drayer


To read my entire review, go to onebooktwo.wordpress.com/2015/05/25/review-modern-girls-guide-to-vacation-flings …

Shave those legs, slide into your best bikini, and throw this book into your beach bag because I have found the first beach read for the summer.

When I first received Modern Girl’s Guide to Vacation Flings, I made the mistake of taking a look at the first chapter to see what it had to offer. At that point, the book grabbed me by the ears and pulled me in head first. I realized (with some horror) that I had reached my “point of no return” (PNR) and I was destined to spend the rest of the night reading this hilarious love story.

Modern Girl’s Guide to Vacation Flings offered me all of what I expected to find, but I also got a lot more. Beth and Matt are well-formed, three dimensional characters that have fears, family situations, and life experiences that I can relate to. Author Gina Dryer did an excellent job of creating the modern dysfunctional family that you love and hate at the same time. Plus the intelligent humor of this book surprised me but had me laughing out loud as I ate breakfast one morning in a Holiday Inn. Other customers looked and that was a tad embarrassing but I felt sorry for them because they didn’t know what they were missing. As for the love scenes, I would give it an R rating. They are not too racy but they do get the heart going.

By the end of Modern Girl’s Guide, I wanted to be friends with Beth and wanted to date Matt’s brother. (But his brother is already married so that would be difficult and awkward.) This is the first book in the series. The next one is The Modern Girl’s Guide to One Night Stands. That story will be added to my must read list.

Review copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review