A review by emilybryk
The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters by Gordon Dahlquist


This was basically The Secret of Monkey Island, only with more blood, plus occasionally breasts. I didn't find it difficult to follow like some people seem to have, but I did find it . . . over the top. The plot was at a constant frenzy, which certainly kept me involved, but it was essentially one heavy metal crescendo, over and over and over again. (I wish, now that I'm done, that I'd kept a body count, because I'm still wiping the blood from my shirt.)

Here's my real issue: In terms of unbelievable coincidences, split-second timing that works out just so, and (especially) spectacularly overheard conversations, it really plays much more like a video game, where your little avatar happens to wander into the bad guy's lair just in time to hear the full explanation of the secret plans. Each object a character stumbles upon is (miraculously!) exactly what he needs to solve a puzzle later.