A review by cmasterson
Greener Pastures by Michael Wehunt


First thing is first: There is a dog on the front. 10/10, no notes, bravo.

But seriously. I'm a lover of the collection. I always have been: from The Twilight Zone, to Skeleton Crew, to my own upcoming book. It just displays so many different facets of the author's mind and gives talent room to show its versatility. Michael Wehunt does this, and more.

I first need to say that the prose is immaculate. I hate the phrase "literary fiction," but this reads like something an English professor would shove at you to celebrate the cultivation of language. Bravo. All of the stories have a sort of folk-horror feel to them, utilizing body horror, cosmic horror, and even the every day horror of loss to a startlingly chilling effect.

My personal favorites are "Greener Pastures" and "October Film Haunt: Under the House." The former reads like a Twilight Zone episode, and I have a weak spot for that. The latter is epistolary AND found footage with an analog horror vibe to it. There are so many things and subgenres that I enjoy in one piece.

In short, this is a fantastic read. I had a wonderful, twisted time reading it, and I'm sure you will as well.