A review by sassysmutlover
For The Love Of A Widow: Regency Novella by Christina McKnight


*I was provided a copy by the author in exchange for my honest review

This is much more than just a romance its about two people that have suffered heartbreak, loss and need to heal and find each other. Both have been on downward spirals at different times and needed to grow and find each other again. I loved everything because of the raw emotion and how they both had horrible witnessed things that made them grow and change. They needed each other because they understood each other.

Lettie is a strong woman that is stronger than she thinks after what she has seen and done. She saved soldiers lives and saw more death than anyone in London can understand so they push her to be like them again. I kept cheering her on hoping she would find peace soon.

Danial was on his way to ruin when he witnessed a horrible thing that turned him sober. He changed in many ways but still had hints of the man she knew. It was easy to understand why he had acted the way he did before she left, but no one realized why or understood.

This one is high on my favorite list and a must read.