A review by chines
Four Months, Three Words by C.W. Farnsworth


this book was VERY mid 

i was very excited going into this book because 1. it is a sports romance, and 2. the royalty aspect of it reminded me of twisted games by ana huang and i really liked that book. but i was disappointed. 

this book was 200 pages too long. the author spent a lot of time describing the mundane tasks that the characters were doing. and the outfits that they wore. she made sure to tell us every time they took a shower and that was SO boring. i picked up this book to read about a romance not things that i do everyday. 

there were several things that i think were pointless to the plot: 
Gretchen: i get it every girl likes Jace but why did he have to go for drinks with her?? that was a waste of words in the book because it didn't add anything to the story.
Vivienne's pregnancy and miscarriage: why, there was no point in making her pregnant because the author wrote her miscarriage like 3 pages after she got pregnant. and the whole miscommunication that happened because of that made me so mad, because Jace thought she had an abortion so he refused to talk to her for a while
The date with Miss South Carolina: disgusting. i know Jace and Viv weren't together but he should've said no and not kissed her. that was wrong. 

i found myself skimming the last 15% of the book because i just wanted it to be over. i was bored because again this book was wayyyyy too long. 

but some positive things: 
i really liked the banter between Jace and Viv, it was very sarcastic and witty and i LOVE reading banter like that 
i also loved the trip that they took to Nebraska to see Jace's family. his whole family is just amazing and they are such nice people. 
i also loved Viv's friendship with Katie, i thought Katie was a great friend to her and helped her adjust well during her time at Lincoln College

i really wanted to love this book but it didn't live up to my expectations :(

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