A review by danubooks
A Killer's Game by Isabella Maldonado


Solving the murder she saw happen on the streets of NYC is only the beginning.

Dani Vega is a woman with some serious skills. She is a former Ranger, a highly trained codebreaker and now an FBI agent. So when Dani sees a man with an umbrella bump into another on the sidewalk, she senses something is up. When the second man collapses to the sidewalk and dies, Dani sets off in pursuit of the man with the umbrella. Although she loses the killer that day, she and her team are able to identify him and bring him into custody and discover that he is part of a larger group of criminals. The victim was chief of staff to a powerful US Senator, and was apparently looking into accusations that the Senator has been taking bribes from government contractors. Dani’s boss decides the only way they can bring the truth about the Senator to light is for the assassin to get one of their own accepted into the circle of criminals…and he thinks Dani is the best candidate. The plan disintegrates almost immediately; tracking devices are disabled, the agents following the vehicle in which Dani, the killer and the rest of the criminal group are traveling are outwitted, and Dani and her new cohorts are flown to a facility across the country. They think they are there to participate in an exercise to help a video game company better simulate the actions of trained killers…but in fact they have just been lured into a game from which there is no escape, and only the last one standing will be allowed to live. It seems that the same person who wanted to expose the Senator has their sights set on everyone in the criminal group….and now Dani is in the crosshairs as well. Her FBI team doesn’t know where she is, so there is no backup coming, and she has no allies in the group of thieves that she can trust. It will take all of her considerable talents to survive, and even that might not prove to be enough.
A Killer’s Game is the first in a new series by Isabelle Maldonado, herself an experienced law enforcement veteran and author of the NIna Guerrera series (coming to Netflix with Jennifer Lopez in the lead role). The book is fast paced and an exciting read. Dani is a strong Latina with a few demons and an arsenal of skills. Although one or two plot devices felt a little contrived, it was a terrific read and I recommend the book to those who enjoy thrillers with a smart, capable woman leading the charge…characters like Catherine Coulter’s Sherlock or J D Robb’s Eve Dallas spring to mind. Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercier for the advanced reader’s copy.