A review by devon
Wish You Were Here by Mike Gayle


Did I ever mention that I love Mike Gayle? Well I do! His books are always a joy to read, witty, refreshing and honest and 'WISH YOU WERE HERE' is no exception!

'WISH YOU WERE HERE' centers around three friends who upon ones break up with his longtime girlfriend, decide that a holiday to bring his spirits back up is just what the Dr. ordered. The trio, now in their mid-thirties decide to relive their misspent youth by returning to a vacation spot in Crete that held special memories for each. Unfortunately once they arrive the 18-29 crowd just isn't what they remembered. They spend night after night trying to recreate their youth soon settling upon the realization that they are no longer young or hip.

Watching these three almost middle aged men bumble about trying to keep up with the young guys with the rippling muscles and party all day and night attitude and the even younger girls with the oh-so-short skirts and barely there bikini's is a riot! But watching the main character, Charlie, come to terms with the loss of his long term relationship is the heart of this story and what we have grown to know and love about all of Mr. Gayles books.