A review by alikatson
Born of Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon


3.5 stars... edited: 3.75 stars - I didn't realize this was Kenyon's first novel, for some reason I thought it was published after some of her Dark Hunter books.

1. this book was wayyyy too long
2. Nykyrian had too many problems, I mean his issues could have created the plot lines for several books. I'm not sure why this happened, Kenyon loves her tragic hero but this seemed like serious overkill at times.
SpoilerI think the unknown daughter was the straw on the camel's back and was a pretty random moment. I guess he has super sperm?

Despite these issues I did enjoy the book. I hated Kiara for a few chapters but otherwise liked her and she did redeem herself and her character progressed a ton over the series (because it was os freaking long)
Spoilershe was crazy judgmental but later explained she needed time to process things which made me like her again. She didn't falter after this, Nykyrian was actually more of a crappy wish/washer and I was SO MAD at him when he didn't let her know he wasn't dead

The narrator sounds just like the one for the Night Huntress series... she did a good job.