A review by hereisenough
The Last Forever by Deb Caletti


I'm going to post my review this week when I have a chance to write it!
I will say though that...
I really really enjoyed this.
the ending confused me (like the pre-ending with a certain boy)
i thought it'd be cheesy but it wasn't. i loved the end.
the voice is amazing
with some gorgeous bits and pieces.
will write an actual review later…

[actualy review heh heh]

Tessa feels heavily the mortality of her world, of the people she loves, the places she knows… her dead mother's plant. Stuck in a tiny coastal town with her grandmother and her mother's plant, Tessa tries to keep her plant alive- and her mother's memory and love with it. With the help of a boy, Tessa may obtain immorality for her plant and memories.

It was pretty good! Unique and sweet. I really really enjoyed it.

Teenage girls will love this. Summer and plant lovers will love this, girls who love their moms and memories will love this, and a cute boy doesn't hurt, right?

This cover is so pretty; I l o v e it. It doesn't say a lot about the inside at all, but I really love the cover.

I thought it'd be cheesy and it wasn't. The voice is amazing and there were bits and pieces that were just gorgeous. A story that pulled you into itself… really good.

The ending was… eh but the journey is what counts, right??

(this review was published at School Library Journal on 04/02/14)