A review by kaytlynallbooked
Becoming a Legend by Sarah Robinson


**Book provided by publisher through NetGalley in exchange for and honest review**

Becoming A Legend is the 3rd book in the Kavanagh Legends series…however, this is the first book in this series I have read. I didn’t have any problems just diving right in and I would say for reference this could be read as a standalone. I will probably be checking out the rest of the books in the future though. Kane is a MMA fighter fast approaching the biggest fight of his life, the National Championship. He is set and determined to train hard to finally achieve his goal, and be the first in his family to take the title. Nora has known the Kavanagh family for a while now, seeing as her best friend is marrying into it. Nora has baggage of her own between school and trying to bail her mom out of trouble, so the last thing she has time for is to get involved with a Kavanagh. However, one night the spark between them seems too much to pass up, entering into a no-strings-attached arrangement, both begin to realize that their feelings run too deep. Can they handle their feelings while trying to maintain their life outside of each other?

This is actually the first fighter romance I have read by any author…and I have to say I quite enjoyed it. Robinson created characters in Kane and Nora that were deep and dimensional. Neither of these characters fell flat for me, and I felt like they evolved through the story nicely. I loved the strength that Kane brought to the table, even though he might have been a little arrogant, once he realized how deep his true feelings for Nora went there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her. I think that Nora was the perfect counterpart to Kane in that she was fiercely independent and resisted help from anyone. She is also an incredibly strong woman…she not only maintained her life while going to school and working, she also put her life on the line in order to help a mother that was less then supportive. Nora and Kane definitely have a good balance to them, I enjoyed watching them grow and learn as they went on not only in their relationship but in their lives.

Not to mention the chemistry between these two was smokin’ hot, I always love the tension that a love/hate relationship brings to the table. Overall, this book had a lot of winning elements for me and I quite enjoyed the unfolding of all of it. The writing was well done, and this story had a lot going for it outside of just the bedroom scenes. I will be looking for more in this series to come, as well as going back to read the first two!

Overall Rating: 4/5 stars