A review by jessie_pea90
Black Stars: A Galaxy of New Worlds by C T Rwizi, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Nisi Shawl, Victor LaValle, Nalo Hopkinson, Nnedi Okorafor


Black Stars Collection, my reading thoughts:

The Visit - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
- [ ] What if gender roles were reversed? An interesting look into if men were the ‘trophy wives’ in a world built for women. So short but perfectly paced.

The Black Pages - Nnedi Okorafor
- [ ] A story about the importance of history, and holing on to your cultures history against those who wish to destroy it. Fascinating but took me a while to understand.

2043 - Nisi Shawl
- [ ] Not really sure what was happening in this one - found it confusing but could tell it was an allegory.

These Alien Skies - C. T. Rwizi
- [ ] A combination of ideas which, for me, echoed ideas found in Black Mirror and Avatar. An exploration of grief, race and human progress.

Clap Back - Nalo Hopkinson
- [ ] Perhaps a little too futuristic/science heavy for me in areas to understand it fully. Felt it explored the themes of “Blackness” and the appropriation of image/ Culture.

We Travel The Spaceways - Victor Lavalle
- [ ] This one lost me at the end, I thought it was exploring homelessness and did actually wonder where the science fiction elements were but then it hit and I although I think I understand the ending I also don’t think I did.