A review by seclement
Why Mummy Drinks by Gill Sims


I am not a mum, nor do I plan to be, but I am a female human in her 30s, who is still familiar with a lot of the pressures that women in general face. I got this book for a very low price in and Audible sale, and I would highly recommend the audio version. It's just one of those books that's fun to listen to and have on in the background, making mundane tasks around the house much more amusing. There are a lot of properly laugh out loud moments, but I will say that the book is longer than it really needs to be and gets a bit tedious after a while because it really only has 1 gimmick: mum is a typical white, middle class woman who aspires to live a Pinterest-worthy life, be the perfect middle class ideal of a parent, and have a marriage that's the envy of all her friends...she doesn't achieve any of this (who does?) and is instead basically just a normal human who deals with her normal human failings in a self deprecating manner. Most women in this demographic will certainly relate to this, so if this describes you, you'd probably like this book.