A review by sil_the_lobster
Tell Me It's Real by TJ Klune


I picked this one up right after finishing ‘The lightning-struck heart‘ because I wanted to see how TJ Klune’s style transports in a contemporary scenario. Which is a strange thing to say because it should be the other way around…how does his style fit into a fantasy setting?

Anyway. I read it and liked it. Liked it a lot but not quite as much as the other one. Maybe because Sam and Ryan swept, no, knocked me off my feet? And because Helena Handbasket—brilliant though she is—is no match for Gary? Then again, there’s Wheels who is awesome in his own right although he is a rather little dog. But…no Gary. And certainly no Kevin.

Still, it’s a very, very enjoyable read, massively entertaining and well-written and while it didn’t make me snort quite as disgracefully, I laughed a lot.

There’s only one thing I came to dislike fairly quickly: Vince is not stupid at all and I wonder why that’s being said again and again. I understand how one might say something negative about oneself simply because one’s been told time and again, but the book keeps rubbing it in and you keep expecting some sort of illiterate klutz which Vince isn’t. So he doesn’t talk as much and as fast as Paul does and doesn’t use all of Paul’s multi-syllable words, but he’s anything but slow-witted.

Other than that: much fun to read!

Four out of five stars.