A review by eesh25
The Bands of Mourning: A Mistborn Novel by Brandon Sanderson


Sometimes authors are just mean in the way they end their books. And this is definitely one of those times. I can't believe people have been waiting over five years for the fourth book.

Though, since this is Sanderson, we know the book's coming, but the wait still has to suck. Of course, I can't actually talk about what happened at the end. But let's just say that Sanderson was, as usual, judicious with the information he gave out. Then, in the epilogue, he revealed two huge things. And one of them completely changed the stakes of the series. I don't even know what to do with the information. Not that anything can be done except waiting for the last book.

Anyway, the book follows another investigation. It's believed that the Lord Ruler's metalminds still exist and that they're stored full of power that can be used by anyone. So even though Wax is understandably done with anything having to do with Sazed, he agrees to the mission because he doesn't want those metalminds to be used by the Set. He also wants to stop his uncle and save his sister.

For me, there were two highlights in the book. The first was Steris, who's the best, and my favourite character. Having seen other reviews, I know I'm not the only one who loves her. I thought she was great in Shadows of Self, and she was even better here. I also love her and Wax. They make sense together—I was never a fan of anything romantic between Wax and Marasi anyway.

The second highlight was the amount of new territory we explored in the book, literally and figuratively. We got to go to, and learn about, literal new places outside of Elendel. And we've found out new stuff about all three metallic arts. There's so much potential to them, and we still seem to have barely scratched the surface.

Additionally, Wax and Wayne were great as always. And so was Marasi. This book was less exciting for me than the last, mainly because the villain of Shadows of Self was so good, but it was still very interesting and more about expanding the world that we know.

Overall, I loved this book, and I can't wait to see how this Era will end. There's a lot to be wrapped up.