A review by kitty_kat21
The Tidal Zone by Sarah Moss


One of the biggest disappointments of the year. The first chapter was amazing but that was it. I HATED Miriam, she is the most pretentious teenager ever. I strongly disliked Adam and his stay-at-home father martyrdom. I skipped over the boring cathedral parts and fumed over the derogatory commentary on the working class. Basically any one who works at a nursery school or a worker in a leisure centre is uneducated and we must not be like them at all costs. This whole book epitomises FIRST WORLD MIDDLE CLASS PROBLEMS and I just was so over it. Adam's wife is a GP and so he shamelessly jumps the queue for test results or consultations with specialists, above people who actually have severely sick children and need the NHS because they have no other option. Ugh this book just made me feel icky and it is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with British society. A state of the nation book indeed.