A review by yanailedit
Trans, Volume 3: A Quick and Quirky Account of Gender Variability by Jack Halberstam


Ok, but who thought it would be a good idea to name it "Quick and Quirky"? It's an academic text through and through. 

Regardless of its density though, this book has been an incredible read; easily one of the most compelling series of arguments which has unfortunately garnered our "Sports Dad of Queer Theory" an absolute pile of disregard from readers who can't put up with his established-academic-and-he-knows-it tone. 

Whether you agree or disagree with him though, I strongly recommend reading this title while paying specific attention to the divide and connections between the old trans* theory guard and the new youth/social-media folks growing up under entirely different circumstances with precious little (and heavily white-washed and censored if any) knowledge of queer history.

Also, be warned of typos... Apparently when you hit a certain level of academic success, you don't get points deducted for presentation.