A review by tabman678
Doctor Who: Ghosts by Jonathan Morris

Astoundingly lovely adventures.

I’d say the best thing across these three adventures is how the tenth Doctor’s relationship evolves with River Song.

I’ve previously read the novelization of the Day of the Doctor and within that River is the person that gets ten to England and chasing after the Zygons. Meaning that at least by Steven Moffat’s thinking and within continuity, so this adds to ten encountering her more which is lovely because ten is like a warm cup of tea. He’s one of my absolute favorites, and David Tennant is voicing him in this and is in top form. Alex Kingston is of course playing River Song and I don’t know that anyone one else ever could have been River at least not as we have her. The character interplay is half the fun here.

But the three adventures all suit the pair quite well.

The first is exchanged primarily through letters between the pair. Where River wants something but we don’t know what yet. It plays out in a very surprising and lovely way. It might be my favorite of the set.

The second is a mystery where the Doctor gets to surprise River with the lower class of London and a sea faring adventure with jewels that influence people. Which has a climax that shows the instincts and convictions between Ten and River.

The third story is likely the most clever with how the climax plays out. It also manages to give you a conversation you’ve always wanted the Doctor and River to have.

As a boxset this is lovely. I think if you’re interested in the Ten and River dynamic this is a must. It’s a big blockbuster of a set.

An absolute delight.

Wilfredo Acosta does wonderfully with the sound engineering (remotely).

Nicolas Briggs kills it in directing the actors as not a moment is the tops.

James Goss, Lizzie Hopely, and Johnathan Morris have all come with great concepts for stories and a nailing of the dynamic between the key pair to these adventures.

And Matt Fittion’s curating of these stories and ideas have led to three adventures that I’ve had a great time listening to.