A review by katykelly
The House with a Clock in Its Walls by John Bellairs


Mystery/fantasy with good elements but hasn't aged well.

I had heard there was a film made of this, and I like to read 'modern classic' children's books, see the scope of what's out there. This was a little disappointing in some respects for me.

Lewis has lost both of his parents, and has had to come and live with his uncle in a new town. From the moment he arrives, he knows his new home is somewhat magical. His uncle and next door neighbour appear to have abilities, the house itself is unusual, and there seems to be some sort of ticking in the walls at night...

My favourite thing about this book was the relationship between uncle Jonathon and his next door neighbour, the biting insults that mask their respect for each other, I liked both their characters. Lewis himself is a regular boy, who struggles to make friends and tries too hard, then becomes the centre of a plot about dead owners and taking over the world. There were big 'aims' but the payoff was fairly poor, in my opinion.

The ending seemed to come quickly and be over without much of the usual clash/battle/explanation. And Lewis's struggle with friendships was also neatly and succinctly sorted in one sentence as well. There isn't adequate exposition for me, I didn't understand really the 'why' of what was going on, as well as scenes such as the car following the protagonists.

Old-fashioned in some of the language and context (religious Latin phrases from a small boy) will go over the heads of contemporary readers.

It felt as though more could have been made of this. I understand it is a series of books, I can see how the characters will flourish along the lines already started, but it's not going to be a favourite of mine. I liked the idea, the house and the adult characters.

One for ages 8-11.