A review by lillist
The Cleveland Heights LGBTQ Sci-Fi and Fantasy Role Playing Club by Doug Henderson


I received a digital ARC via Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion. Thank you!

3 Stars - solid, but just not for me

Well, this was a bit of a frustrating read. I was really looking forward to this after seeing the cover and reading the blurb but it just fell kind of flat and did not make use of its potential.

This book felt like it was written for a very specific audience: queer (male) role-players in their twenties who are still looking for their place in life and also cannot stop thinking about sex.
Mostly with guys who are hairy.

And this is why I feel this was a missed opportunity. It would have been so easy to tell a story that every uncool dork who is kind of a misfit could relate to and this was admittedly just what I had been hoping for and did not find.
Also, I found the language to be a bit lacking in terms of a distinct voice or even melody.

Don't get me wrong, this was mostly perfectly fine. The characters are interesting enough, the role-playing elements are fun enough and it was not a slog. But this was not a page-turner either which made me realize that I could not really engage with this all that much.

So, this was just not the book for me, but not every book has to, I guess.