A review by mforbes79
The Emerald Horizon by Jean Grainger


The Emerald Horizon
(The Star and The Shamrock #2)

I read The Star and The Shamrock a month or so ago and had no clue there was a second book until this week.

The Star and the Shamrock is based mostly in Ireland while The Emerald Horizon goes between the children and their caregivers in Ireland and what their mother endures during the war in Germany as a Jew. Grainger showed both the horror of the war as well as the kind hearts of strangers.

My favorite quote highlights from this book:

"All flags did was separate, show difference, one group rallying to one flag, another group rallying to another, all of it based on nothing more than what patch of earth you happened to be born on. It was all so stupid."

"Those we love don’t die, not really. They are in our hearts, in our heads."

"but hearts are like legs or arms that break – even if you don’t want them to, or could never imagine them healing, somehow they do."

"But the best way to support someone who is grieving is just to be there. To not try to make it better or explain it away, but just to be there and let them cry, let them endure the pain. Just be beside them so they know they are not alone."

‘If this war has taught me anything, Roman, it’s that there is no one defining characteristic of any nationality.’ Her Russian was rusty, but she found the words to say what she felt. ‘We are all a mixture of everything – good and bad, brave and cowardly, kind and hateful. No one nation or people has a monopoly on anything. So yes, I know not all Russians are like the ones that killed my friend. Germans have hurt me, exiled my children, but it was also Germans who hid me, who gave me food. So I don’t judge people by their nationality, only by their actions.’