A review by steph01924
Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi


3.5 stars. Initial thought is I liked this book better than the first. Having Aria and Perry on their own adventures kind of alleviated the saccharine quality of their relationship. There is still something about the book that falls short for me; I’m not completely wowed and utterly eager to get to the next chapter, but it’s fine enough. Glad to see a bit more on the Unity and the origins of the Aether, though I’m guessing we’ll get a full reveal of their alien-like origins in the third book. I’m guessing…some experiment gone wrong and humankind destroyed the world themselves? Eh…won’t really worry about that too much.

Because of the book’s fairly short length, everything felt condensed and like fantasy on steroids, much like the first. The scenes at the Rim felt paint by numbers and quick. If I hadn’t read the Liv and Roar 0.5 novella, I would’ve felt sort of blah about their huge, epic love since there are hardly any flashbacks to their pre-marriage-arrangement days. All we get is Roar going on and on about how awesome Liv is, and without seeing her actions with him or her thoughts, maybe he was just an overzealous stalker. :P

Even with what we briefly saw, I found it sort of hard to care, though I did feel for Roar
Spoilerwhen Liv bit the dust. Stalker or not, obviously he was into her. I couldn’t feel too sad at her death as a reader though, so…yeah.
I suppose what we get out of the shared adventure between Roar and Aria is that they are basically two sides of the same coin; they found all their meaning and sense of comfort/home within the Tides siblings they love so much. I liked their friendship, though Perry getting jealous was so ridiculous.

I think I liked Aria a bit more in this one, and Perry a bit less, probably because of their situations. As I said, Aria without Perry is more interesting; she’s gaining more life experience even though she’s still a bit naïve. Perry’s story focused so much on him feeling like a crappy leader that after a while it got a bit dull. I liked the addition of
SpoilerSoren (though I guess this LDS disease is fairly easy to manage/cure?), and now with him coming all the displaced Dwellers...that should give the third book some good tension