A review by ppetropoulakis
Radical Focus : Achieving Your Most Important Goals with Objectives and Key Results by Christina Wodtke, Christina Wodtke


The book starts off with two business partners creating a company. It then picks up by addressing a looming catastrophe with them losing focus on what makes their business successful. I won't post any spoilers but this is resolved midway through the content of the book. The rest is a series of rules for making a startup's daily operation and direction difficult to distract. There are a few problems here. This could work if it was just this framework but reality has many overlapping management models that could conflict or plain be incompatible with this content. Additionally, it is meant for small companies and startups. The complex structures of mature companies do not fit well with this approach. Finally, when you look at the whole situation described it is close to reality but a bit romanticized.
Nevertheless, I enjoyed the confidence level concept that the author attributes to the key result metrics. I thought fighting sandbagging, or playing safe, through this process was brilliant.