A review by jennaraetions
Their Vicious Darling by Nikki St. Crowe


Honestly I'm kinda pissed lmao once the retelling was pretty much, well, retold, I was over it. It was mostly smut and plot holes and a bunch of stuff about characters that I liked well enough, but most of their personalities were surface level, because where character building usually happens, smut happened instead, so I didn't really care anymore. I'd like to know what happened to the twins, but not enough to read the last book right now. It took me 24 hours to finish the last 10% of this book (which, once I finally did it, took about 15 minutes). But then the GODDAMN TWIST made me want to read it but UGH I don't actually want to but UUUGH. I'll probably be back during my next slump when I need something quick. Or maybe I'll just get it over with so it can be a complete series.
Anyways, for all three books as a whole, it's not terrible. It's definitely not great. I'm not a fan for smut for the sake of smut but some of it was quite delicious I can't even lie. Not mad I read it, didn't change my life. I'll never be able to watch Peter Pan again, that's for sure.