A review by a_reader_obsessed
Afterglow by Kora Knight


3.5 Stars

Oh how I love me a good epilogue.

Take away message. Holy freaking hell, hot as all get out erotica that has a really good emotional progression for Tad who identifies as straight until a fateful night that brings down all his barriers and makes him question everything he knows about himself. Intersperse this with detailed, extensive, scorching scenes about his slow unraveling by the oh so delicious Scott, and I’m not complaining one bit.

Peppered with bdsm elements just in case you’re interested or not, books 1, 2, and 6 are the most heavy if you need to know.

This will leave you with a wonderful happy glow that things are all good with Tad and Scott with the additional bonus of a teaser regarding Scott’s roommate Max, and his story with Sean, which will for sure be BDSM heavy for the reader who loves that sort of thing!
